October, 2022

October, 2022 Newsletter

Dear Fellow Montgomery Senior Citizens Member,

A big thank-you to Caitlyn Campbell of Foothill Acres Rehabilitation Center for
hosting Bingo and providing wonderful prizes for our winners during our
September meeting.

If you have not already submitted your Jersey Mike’s order for the October
meeting, please contact Lou Vaccaro at (609) 955-1610 to make your sandwich
choice as soon as possible.

We have the following events on our schedule.

October 20, 2022 (Thursday) – 1:00pm (Montgomery Library)

We will be serving Jersey Mike’s subs during this meeting.
We will continue the process of updating the By-Laws of the organization.
Those who have received the proposals during the September meeting or via
email, can submit their ballot during the meeting. If you have not, a copy of
the proposals, will be available during the meeting. Final date of submitting
your ballot is the November meeting. Members can also submit their own
proposals for review.

The Executive Committee has appointed Betsy Caivano, Ted Lubas and David
Connell to the Nominating Committee. The Nominating Committee will be
nominating the officers of the Executive Committee for 2023 during this

Members interested in the Hunterdon Hills Holiday show are asked to sign up
and pay with Betsy Caivano or Vivienne (Dixie) Blake. We have reserved 40
spots with Hunterdon Hills. First come, first served. We cannot exceed 40. We
need a final count by November 1st to avoid paying for any no-shows. This
meeting is the last opportunity for members to sign up and pay during a general
meeting. The cost is $50 per person for the show and it includes free bus
transportation. We expect a much larger turn-out than normal because of the
deep discount and number of new members. Members interested after October
20th and before November 1st, can contact Lou Vaccaro at (609) 955-1610 to
make special arrangement. However, there is no guarantee of a spot.
Enrollment will be opened to non-members after October 20th
Members interested in the holiday party in December can sign up with Betsy
Caivano or Vivienne Blake. We need an approximate head-count to know how
much food to purchase. The Bedens Brook Club is not available to us this year
as in past years. The party will instead be buffet-style. In addition, we can use
a few more volunteers to assist in the party. See Betsy or Vivenne if you can
offer some help.

November 17, 2022 (Thursday) – 1:00pm (Montgomery Library)

Elections of officers and final collection of ballots for By-Laws proposals.
Dessert and coffee or tea.

December 7, 2022 (Wednesday) – Time TBD

Hunterdon Hills Holiday Show. Time and location of bus TBD.

December 8, 2022 (Thursday) – Time TBD

Holiday party. Details of the party to follow. The officers of the Executive
Committee will be sworn in.

Thank you,
Lou Vaccaro for the Montgomery Senior Citizens Executive Committee

Email: montgomeryseniorcitizens@gmail.com                              v1.10
