November, 2022

Dear Fellow Montgomery Senior Citizens Member,

Please make note that starting from our upcoming November meeting, the
location of our meetings will be at the Montgomery Senior Center (Otto
Kauffman Community Center) located at 356 Skillman Road, Skillman, NJ
08558. Please note the time of each meeting. Early arrival is discouraged to
be respectful of the preceding program at the Center.

We are continuing to make good progress in recruiting new members. We
had six additions last month and twenty additions for the year.
We have instituted a planning meeting at 12:30 PM every Wednesday at the
Senior Center to discuss and to make decisions on all topics relating to the
organization. We are now actively working on the year-end party. We
encourage all to join us to help make the organization a fun and rewarding

We still have no Vice-President nominee for the next term. If you are
interested, let Betsy Caivano, chair of the Nomination Committee, know.
Michael Arons, our current Vice-President, will continue to serve until we
get a new Vice-President.

The sign-up for the Hunterdon Hills holiday show is now closed. We have
almost 40 members signed up. This is our highest turn-out in our recent
past. Details of the trip is noted below.

The venue and date of our year-end party has been changed to the
Montgomery Senior Center at 12:00 Noon on December 15th (Thursday).
This has been delayed one week to allow for more time to plan and prepare.
We have the following events on our schedule:
November 17, 2022 (Thursday) 1:30 PM (Montgomery Senior

Meeting agenda includes the election of officers for 2023, collection of
ballots on proposals to update the By-Laws and finalization of the trip to
Hunterdon Hills Playhouse on December 7th. Dessert, coffee and tea will
be served.

Members interested in the holiday party in December can sign up with
Betsy Caivano or Vivienne (Dixie) Blake. We need an approximate headcount to determine how much food to purchase. The Bedens Brook Club is
not available to us this year as in past years. The party will instead be
buffet-style at the Montgomery Senior Center. In addition, we can use a
few more volunteers to assist in the party. See Betsy or Vivenne (Dixie), if
you are available to help.

December 7, 2022 (Wednesday) – Bus Departure 9:45 AM from
Princeton Elks Lodge

For members who have signed up for the Hunterdon Hills holiday show,
please arrive promptly at 9:45 AM at the Princeton Elks Lodge, 354
Franklin-Georgetown Turnpike (Route 518), Skillman, NJ 08558
(approximately ¼ mile west of Route 601 intersection) for the bus.

December 15, 2022 (Thursday) – 12 PM (Montgomery Senior

Year-end party. Details of the party to follow. The officers of the Executive
Committee will be sworn in.

Thank you,
Lou Vaccaro for the Montgomery Senior Citizens Executive Committee

Email: v1.00
