This is a reminder that the next Birthday Breakfast is on Thursday, April 20th at 10:00AM.  It will be at the Hillsborough Star Diner located at 842 US-206, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.  The cost is $0 for 2023 members whose birthdays are between January and April.  It is $10 for all other members.  Choice of breakfast is from a select menu.  If you have not paid your 2023 membership due of $10, you can pay before the breakfast.  If you are interested, you can sign up at the April meeting (April 13th) if you have not done so already.  We need an accurate count to assist in the planning.

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Montgomery News – August Column “A Senior Moment” by President Lou Vaccaro

The following column is in the August edition of the Montgomery News.  It is written by Lou Vaccaro, the President of Montgomery Senior Citizens.

July, 2023 Newsletter

This is our newsletter and planning calendar for programs and events/trips for July, 2023.

Reminder: Birthday Breakfast on Thursday, January 19th, at Hillsborough Star Diner

This is a reminder that the next Birthday Breakfast is on Thursday, January 19th at 10:00AM.  It will be at the Hillsborough Star Diner located at 842 US-206, Hillsborough, NJ 08844.  The