An email has been sent to membership to determine interest for a casino trip to Resorts (Atlantic City) or Wind Creek Bethlehem (PA) on Thursday, May 18, 2023.  There will be no trip if there is not enough interest to either.  The cost is $35 for members and $45 for non-members to either place.  For Resorts there is a casino voucher of $15.  For Wind Creek Bethlehem there is a casino voucher of $25.  Bus transportation is included.  Bus trip to Resorts is about 2 hours.  Bus trip to Wind Creek Bethlehem is about 1 hour and 15 minutes.  Non-members will need to sign a waiver.  Although the survey is not a commitment, we will need to have the count to be as accurate as possible.
If a casino trip is deemed viable, sign-up and payment starts during our March meeting and to be completed during our April meeting.

For member, click here for link to survey.
For non-member, click here for “Contact Us” for further information.

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September Newsletter

See below for our September newsletter. Be sure to check out our latest calendar:

Somerset Valley Players Pricing

Somerset Valley Players Shows – Good news.  Based on early survey results, we will reach the group threshold of 20 for all four shows.  The group discount and the discount

Montgomery News – March “A Senior Moment” Column by President Lou Vaccaro

The following column is in the March edition of the Montgomery News.  It is written by Lou Vaccaro, the President of Montgomery Senior Citizens.