Montgomery Senior Citizens

President’s New Year Report


Dear Fellow Member and Friend,

Hope everyone had a joyous couple of weeks to close out 2022.  

As your newly elected president, I would like to share my thoughts and aspirations for the organization.  As we enter the new year, we are planning an agenda that will build upon the many accomplishments that were made last year.  When we reconvened from the pandemic, we questioned the further existence of the organization.  However, instead of dissolving, we made an effort to be more active with an emphasis towards better communication, both internal and external.  I think we have made great progress in both areas in just ten months.  To summarize, these are some of our accomplishments with the help from everyone:    

    • Set up an email address for the organization
    • Digitized membership information
    • Established a monthly newsletter
    • Created a monthly flyer for posting
    • Posted monthly meeting announcement in the Montgomery News
    • Instituted weekly planning meetings
    • Approved updated By-Laws
    • Publicized organization with an article in the Montgomery News
    • Held successful major events:  picnic, Hunterdon Hills trip, holiday party
    • Added ~20 new members
    • Voted in a new slate of officers
    • Improved use of grant funds
    • Received commendation certificate from Assemblyman Roy Freisman for community service

There are also efforts that we have started and aim to complete this year.  We started the testing of Facebook as a possible internal forum for announcements, communication and repository of information.  In addition, we started development of a website for publicity of the organization.

No different from last year, we face challenges in two areas.  Inflation has raised the costs of almost everything, especially buses.  Since we are keeping the annual membership due at $10, we need to consider reducing the subsidy and/or charging a nominal fee for many events.  We cannot reduce our bank balance any further.  We need to keep a minimum of $5,000 to bridge payment of events and reimbursement funding.  We did an excellent job in keeping our bank balance essentially unchanged in 2022.  We also need to expand membership participation in the operation of the organization.  We simply need more help if we want the organization to do more.

As long-term lofty goals, it would be gratifying if we can instill a culture of volunteerism, have a voice to advocate ideas important to us in the community and develop an identity to be admired.

So, join us in the upcoming endeavors that promise to be fun and rewarding.  May we all have a wonderful 2023.

Montgomery Senior Citizens President

Lou Vaccaro

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