Montgomery Senior Citizens (MSC) has a little over 100 members.  Membership attrition for a organization for senior is a natural phenomenon because of health and relocation reasons.  However, we are thriving with the addition of 58 new members in 2023 as of September 30, 2023.  Of these, we typically enjoy the company of 35-40 members during each monthly meeting.

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September, 2023 Newsletter

This is our newsletter for September, 2023. Appended is our latest calendar for programs and events/trips .

New Options for Somerset Valley Players Shows

We have good news.  In the latest discussions with the Somerset Valley Players, they have offered two policies that would allow us more flexibility when ordering tickets.   1)  We

Welcome to the Website

  Welcome to the website for Montgomery Township Senior Citizens, Inc, more commonly just called Montgomery Senior Citizens. Any resident of Montgomery Township , New Jersey and surrounding communities, aged