February, 2023 Newsletter –

Dear Fellow Member and Friend,

We have distributed two surveys via email. The first survey is to determine the membership’s interest in trips that the Hillsborough Senior Citizens Chapter A and Chapter B have taken or will take. The second survey is to determine the membership’s interest in four shows at the Somerset Valley Players located in Hillsborough. The four shows are:

“The Outsider” May 7, 2023, Sunday – 2PM (Senior 62+, $18)
“Murder by the Book” June 25, 2023, Sunday – 2PM (Senior 62+, $18)
“Guys & Dolls” July 30, 2023, Sunday – 2PM (Senior 62+, $20)
“It’s a Wonderful Life” Dec 3, 2023, Sunday 2PM (Senior 62+, $18)

There is a discount of $2/ticket for groups of 20 or more. If we commit to three shows, there is an additional discount of $1/ticket for each show. If we commit to all four shows, there is a $1/ticket discount for “Guys & Dolls”. The shows are open to everyone. So spread the word. We would like to have group discount for all four shows. The cost for students is the same as for seniors (62+). The cost for adults is $2 more for each ticket. This is a good opportunity to support local theater.  For those without email access, hard copies of the surveys will be available at our planning meetings and at the February general meeting. Please submit the surveys promptly whether electronically or in paper form. Because of the discount structure of the Somerset Valley Players shows, it is necessary to get the feedback quickly to know what the final cost of the tickets. The last date for sign-up and payment for the shows is March 9, 2023, our March general meeting.

We have launched our website, montgomerysc.org. Although not flashy, we believe that it is smart-looking and easy to navigate. This is the place to get latest news for the organization. The website is intended for the public and for members. However, there are pages on the website that are dedicated to members and are password-protected. Examples of these pages are surveys and pictures. We prefer to keep them private, although they are not highly secretive in nature. Confidential information like data of our membership will not be on the website. We will share the password during the upcoming meeting. You can also submit a request via the
website’s “Contact Us”, email montgomeryseniorcitizens@gmail.com or contact Lou at (609) 466-3023 for the password.

We have the following events on our schedule:

February 9, 2023 (Thursday) – 1:30 PM (Montgomery Senior Center)

We have speaker, Dr. Sanjukta S. Sanyal, a cardiologist from Medicor
Cardiology, to talk about heart health. Dr. Sanyal’s special interests lie in
women’s health issues in cardiovascular disease, arrhythmia, device
management, and treatment of atrial fibrillation. We will also have Bingo
hosted by Montgomery Senior Citizens. There will be some wonderful prizes for the winners. We thank Craig Moorhead for donating some of the prizes. Betsy will be baking some goodies to share with us. Thank you, Betsy. We will continue to collect the $10 annual dues for those who have not paid. We will be distributing and collecting the surveys that are mentioned above.

March 9, 2023 (Thursday) – 1:30 PM (Montgomery Senior Center)

Caitlyn Meador (formerly Campbell) will be leading an arts and crafts project.  More details to follow. Also, we will be having pizza at the meeting. As mentioned above, we will be signing up and collecting monies for the Somerset Valley Players shows. Any assistance would be appreciated.


Montgomery Senior Citizens Executive Committee

Lou Vaccaro, Betsy Caivano, Herb Jung, Vivienne Blake

Email: montgomeryseniorcitizens@gmail.com
Website: http://montgomerysc.org
Telephone: (609) 466-3023                                                                         v1.00

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