Here are the results of the trip surveys:

The first survey was to determine the membership’s interest in trips that the Hillsborough Senior Citizens Chapter A and Chapter B have taken or will take.  Although the response rate is only around 50%, there are clear preferences to five trips.  Consolidating ratings of 1-3 as low interest and 5-7 as high interest, we have the following results:

We will be doing additional research on four of the five top choices: (1) Hanover Manor, (2) Paper Mill Playhouse, (3) Somerset Patriots and (4) Oktoberfest.  We are already working on a casino trip that substitutes for the Mt. Airy Casino trip.   More about the casino trip below.

The second survey was to determine the membership’s interest in four shows at the Somerset Valley Players located in Hillsborough.  The four shows are:  (1) “The Outsider”, (2) “Murder by the Book”, (3) “Guys & Dolls” and (4) It’s a Wonderful Life”.  The survey indicated that there is enough interest for all four shows to receive a group discount.  For those interested, sign-up and payment will be at the March meeting.  The sign-up form has been distributed via email and will also be available at the meeting.  An email has been sent out detailing all the available show performances and the ticket exchange policy.  This is a good opportunity to support your local theater.  We are also promoting these shows to non-member seniors (55+).

We had two casino surveys.  The second survey was necessitated by the late response from Bally and Tropicana.  Since reviews of both casinos are consistently better than Resorts, the second survey replaced Resorts with Bally/Tropicana for the Atlantic City trip.  We currently do not have enough responses to draw any conclusion.  The response of the second survey is about half of the first survey.  If you are not sure that you have submitted the second survey, submit one anyway.  We will void your earlier entry if you have submitted one already. 

We have the following events on our schedule:

March 9, 2023  (Thursday) – 1:30 PM (Montgomery Senior Center)

Cris Brown and Caitlyn Meador from Foothill Acres Rehab and Nursing Center will be leading a craft project to create a wood décor from a stencil.  The project will take about 1 ½ hours.

As mentioned above, we will be signing up and collecting monies for the Somerset Valley Players shows.  In addition, the meeting will be the final chance to complete the second casino survey.  We will tabulate the results and announce whether we have a casino trip on May 18th, and if so, the destination:  Wind Creek Bethlehem (PA) or Bally (AC) or Tropicana (AC) at the end of the meeting.

Nipun Patel, an IT consultant, will be joining us to provide any technical assistance needed on your phone, tablet, PC or Mac.  It is good opportunity to have your device be set up to receive all the communiques that we send out.  He can also set up your browser with a bookmark to easily access our website.

Lastly, we will be serving pizza during the meeting

April 13, 2023  (Thursday) – 1:30 PM (Montgomery Senior Center)

Our guest speaker will Lauren Wasilauski, Director of Open Space & Stewardship.  She will be speaking on volunteering opportunities for our seniors and the many pathways in our community.  More details for follow.

Caitlyn Meador will be hosting Bingo.  There will be some wonderful prizes for the winners.


Montgomery Senior Citizens Executive Committee

Email:  Website:

Telephone:  (609) 466-3023                                                                          v1.00

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May, 2024 Newsletter

Below is our May, 2024 newsletter. Be sure to check out latest calendar.

New Casino Survey

Bally and Tropicana casinos finally replied back to us and are offering $25 gambling voucher and $20 gambling voucher, respectively.  One of them will replace Resorts as the Atlantic City

January 2023 – Newsletter

January, 2023 Newsletter – Dear Fellow Member and Friend, As a reminder, we have instituted a planning meeting at 12:30 PM every Wednesday at the Senior Center to discuss and