The last day to sign up for guaranteed tickets for West Side Story has been extended to Tuesday, April 25th.  You can sign up by replying to this email.  We will need to know the number of tickets that you want.  You can pay during the next meeting when we have the tickets.  We might need to purchase additional tickets to reach the group threshold.  These additional tickets will be sold on a first come, first served basis.  The show is at the Villagers Theatre in Somerset on Sunday, June 18th at 2:00pm.  Price is $15 for both members and non-members, regardless of age.  We recognize that some will be busy with Father’s Day activities.  Unfortunately, there are only two matinees and the other matinee conflicts with SVP’s “Murder by the Book”.  But the show would make a great Father’s Day present and be fun for the entire family.  This is easily the best bargain of all the shows.

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February, 2024 Newsletter

Below is our newsletter for February, 2024.   Check out our latest calendar under “Calendar” menu.

Casino Trip Survey

An email has been sent to membership to determine interest for a casino trip to Resorts (Atlantic City) or Wind Creek Bethlehem (PA) on Thursday, May 18, 2023.  There will

Proposal for Neil Diamond Tribute Show Withdrawn

Based on the poll during the April meeting and a few absentee votes, there is limited interest in the Neil Diamond tribute show.  Therefore, we are withdrawing our proposal for